Going through a divorce can be messy and emotionally draining. The feeling adds up when you don’t know a good attorney and need one in a hurry. The outcome of the legal process depends on whether you get a capable attorney for your case. Here are some tips on how to choose a Texas divorce lawyer.


You’d definitely want a seasoned divorce lawyer in Texas handling your case, no matter how simple it seems. In fact, the more experience an attorney has in regard to divorce and family law, the better. They have to specialize in that particular area and are highly familiar with the Texas family code. In this regard, you can start asking questions such as their experiences in your specific case, and more so if there are children involved.

Communicative and Puts You at Ease

Communication is an integral part of hiring a lawyer to process or arbitrate your divorce. If the attorney is able to express their thoughts in a clear manner, then it’s a sign that they will provide the same quality of communication in court. In addition, a capable family law attorney can explain and break down complex topics and won’t use technical terms that an everyday person can’t understand.

Doesn’t Charge Expensive Divorce Fees

Before you start the search for a divorce lawyer, it might be better to gain an understanding of the legal fees associated with the process. This can be done online- check Google and research possible costs, e.g., do they charge hourly or a flat fee? With this in mind, you can ask each one how they bill clients to avoid a huge bill down the line. You can also be transparent and honest about your budget and see if they can work around that.

Online Reviews and References

Online review platforms are a great way to gauge how well a divorce attorney performs based on previous clients. After the initial contact, you can ask for references of past work and successful cases and see what kind of information you can get. Granted, there won’t be a lot, but at least you’ll have an idea of their competency and if they do good work.

Ticks the Boxes of a Good Divorce Lawyer

Not all divorce lawyers in Texas are built the same, and you can easily spot the warning signs in the initial meeting. Making promises right at the start is indicative of overconfidence, while a lawyer who’s constantly distracted or talking might reveal that they aren’t as good as they seem. Moreover, a good divorce lawyer won’t reveal confidential information, even if you ask them for experience and past references.

Choose the Best Divorce Attorney in Texas

It’s important not to be hasty about the decision to hire a divorce lawyer. The right one will fight with your best interests in mind, protect your children, and safeguard legal rights whenever they can. Contact us today and we’ll be happy to answer any concerns.