Filing a divorce in Texas can be relatively easy, especially with legal help. But have you wondered the length of time it might take for the proceedings to be completed?

Divorce in Texas can either be quick, at around 60 days, or take longer than a year. It all depends on the issues that are brought up in the case. Texas divorce lawyers specialize in smoothing out the process and making it manageable for families and busy individuals.

Can You Speed Up a Divorce in Texas?

It is possible to file for a divorce and get it resolved in a shorter time. Both parties can file an uncontested divorce, which is in simple terms a divorce that each can agree on. For this, they agree that a judge is not needed for mediating and making decisions.

An uncontested divorce will have the following elements:

  • Both parties have no issues over spousal support, child custody, and property division
  • They do not have minor children
  • They unanimously wish to end the marriage
  • Each individual does not have a pending bankruptcy

As you can imagine, an uncontested divorce will proceed much faster than a contested divorce, mainly because of the possible discussions to divide the property, if one does not wish to end the marriage, or if there are demands regarding child support and others. However, there’s also a rule that must be explained to you before you make your decision.

The Statutory Waiting Period for a Divorce in Texas

The state of Texas has a ‘cooling off’ period when it comes to filing a divorce. Under state law, there are 60 days of wait time from the divorce petition filing (when the petition is filed with the court) before the dissolution is completed.

The term ‘cooling off’ applies well as it allows both parties to settle down and think about the potentially life-changing consequences. During this time, they might reconsider and reconcile with each other, thereby saving a lot of time and trouble if they were to proceed.

There could also be instances where the waiting period could be shortened. If there’s domestic violence and safety is at risk, then the court could speed up the time for a divorce filing in Texas. However, these are special circumstances and are uncommon.

Mediation Can Also Work

An experienced family law attorney in Texas can provide mediation to smoothen the divorce process. A neutral third party meets both attorneys and spouses to settle the fine details with a goal of creating a solution that satisfies all those concerned.

When the mediator comes up with a solution amenable to both parties, then it’s recorded in writing and will be added to the final decree.

Allen Roach Texas specializes in divorce and family law to help those who are in legal need. If you’re looking for a Texas divorce lawyer to understand more about divorce cases, contact us today.