The challenges of being a single mother

Most single moms don’t start out as single. They are married, and after a marriage breakdown that results in divorce, they become a single mother. The co-parenting situation changes as both parents live in different residences, often sharing child custody responsibilities in raising their children.

A Few Significant Facts about Single Moms

As reported by Forbes magazine, mothers head 80 percent of single-parent families. Furthermore, Pew Research Center estimated that single parents are raising more than 25 percent of the children in the U.S.

What laws can help protect a mother’s rights?

The Single Parent Protection Act enables parents receiving child support to claim a refundable tax credit for any unpaid support. The parent required to pay support also receives an increased tax liability for not paying the child support. In 2009, Congress introduced this bill. At that time, less than 30 percent of the parents eligible to receive child support were receiving it.

Family Support Act of 1988 established the legal right to withhold child support payments from the non-custodial parent’s wages. This can occur once the court has issued a child support order or a modification order.

Disadvantages that Single Mothers Share

Married couples can take advantage of head of a household tax credits. However, single mothers claiming “head of the household” receive less value in tax credits. Based on 2020 statistics, one-third of families headed by single mothers were poor.

Do you need legal help with child support?

A Texas child support lawyer can help you protect your rights to receive child support. In addition to a paycheck, other income sources may apply. Bonuses, commissions, assets such as property rentals, second homes, second vehicles and inheritances may also be sources of income that could apply to child support.

If you are struggling with receiving the necessary support to raise your children, find out how we can help. We are glad to provide you with sound legal advice. Contact us online or call 972.752.3474.